log.jod.li General Terms
The services on log.jod.li are provided as is. No one who worked or working for log.jod.li can be held responsible for any consequence of their use or misuse. There is no warranty of any kind.
Any harmful or dishonest use of those services can be spotted and prosecuted.
In particular:
- No user should be tracked with the help of those services.
- log.jod.li should not be used for another purpose than the one intended (simple centralization of logs).
- log.jod.li services should not be used in an excessive or too intensive way.
- Those services can by no means be sold without the consent of log.jod.li .
- If an email address is entered by a user, it is legitimately controlled by the user.
- The user keeps the account details private so that no abuse can happen with those account details without the user knowing it.
Feel free to contact us through the contact form on the main page of the site.
When the user is deleted, the logs for this user are also deleted.